As long-standing leaders in the area of tobacco control, Healthy You delivered by Everyone Health are welcoming the moves to phase out the sale of cigarettes in England, dubbed the ‘biggest public health intervention in a generation’. Rishi Sunak’s plans to create a smoke-free generation. The policy will see the age at which people can
Governments smoking ban – The Smoke-free GenerationLatest Articles

Are you drinking away your daily sugar intake?
A ‘coffee and a catch-up’ has been a staple in people’s social lives for years, however research has now revealed that some high-street chain coffee shops are selling coffees that are laced with MORE sugar than a Mars bar. NHS Health Advice suggests people should not exceed a maximum of 30g – or around seven teaspoons of free sugar
Are you drinking away your daily sugar intake?
Are you going sober for October?
Sober October is upon us once again, and as we gear up to enter the last (and arguably, the most stressful) quarter of the year, we feel this is perhaps best time to say bye to the booze for 31 days and reset ourselves and our relationship with alcohol. A month of sobriety can have
Are you going sober for October?
Boost your immune system with these foods
Cold and flu season is well and truly upon us! If you’re on a mission to avoid the flu this year (aren’t we all), then you might want to think about revamping your dinner menu with these foods that can help to boost your immune system. Broccoli Supercharged with vitamins and minerals, and packed with
Boost your immune system with these foods
What’s in season this October
The weather is colder and the nights are beginning to draw in, which means it’s now officially acceptable to unearth our slow-cookers and start plating up some comforting meals to keep us warm this Autumn. Luckily, there is still an array of fresh fruit and veg in season that we can throw into our Autumn
What’s in season this October
Why you should be eating seasonally
Eating seasonally is a beneficial way of getting variety in your diet whilst cutting the cost of the food shop. Seasonal eating refers to purchasing and consuming food around the time that it naturally harvested. Below is a breakdown of the seasonal fruits and vegetables that you can get in the UK: There are some
Why you should be eating seasonally
5 Simple Steps to Stay Steady on Your Feet
Falls can happen any time, any where and at any age. Fortunately, many falls can be avoided by having some simple preventative measures in place. We’ve listed below some easy steps to prevent falls for you or your loved one: Staying active Movement is an important part of any stage of our lives – especially
5 Simple Steps to Stay Steady on Your Feet
National Fitness Day – How you can join in
The biggest annual celebration of physical activity and moving more is just days away, and nobody likes to miss out on a celebration – so we’ve strapped ourselves to our laptops and gathered a list of great ways you can join in on the fitness action. Get active at your local leisure facility Gyms and
National Fitness Day – How you can join in
How you can have success this Stoptober
From Sober October to Stoptober, millions of people around the nation will be attempting to give up one of their vices next month for at least 28 days to reap the benefits of going smoke or alcohol free. With October looming, we’re sure self-doubt has started to kick in and you’re starting to wonder if
How you can have success this Stoptober
A whopping 5 million vapes are thrown away every week in the UK
Whilst the internet is awash with the potential health impacts that vaping poses, you won’t be able to find much information on the shocking environmental impacts of the disposable vapes that have taken the nation’s youth by storm in recent years. However, research from recycling campaign group, Material Focus, has shockingly revealed that the
A whopping 5 million vapes are thrown away every week in the UK