Today is National No Smoking Day, why not make it the day you stop smoking once and for all. The last couple of years have been extremely challenging and for many our physical and mental health has been compromised. But stopping smoking will bring instant benefits to your health and reduce your chance of developing
National No Smoking Day 2022News
Let’s beat the January Blues with these top tips on Food for Mood
There’s no denying it, January blues are well and truly upon us. Those dark and dreary nights alongside the sudden drop in temperature might seriously be impacting the way we feel. However, there is evidence to suggest that eating healthily during these times can help us feel more positive, remove that brain fog and help
Let’s beat the January Blues with these top tips on Food for MoodTempo Time Credits
We are proud to partner with Tempo Time Credits in supporting the fantastic and essential work of volunteers. They’re trusted by over 750 recognition partners, who accept Tempo Time Credits to enable volunteering at this scale to continue. To empower the community to support volunteers through 2021 and beyond, they’ve recently adapted their work so
Tempo Time CreditsEveryone Health is now a Fostering Friendly Organisation
Everyone Health, the company that operates the Healthy You service, recognises and values the contribution that foster carers make to society and especially the lives of children in care. We understand that foster carers who do other work in addition to fostering, need some flexibility in their working arrangements in order to meet the needs
Everyone Health is now a Fostering Friendly OrganisationWhat is it like going for a Free NHS health check with Healthy You?
Since I’m within the age range (actually, well into it), I thought it sensible to go for one of the Healthy You NHS health checks to spot early signs of stroke, diabetes, and more. I rang the phone number on the poster and spoke to a friendly woman about the checks. She explained what they
What is it like going for a Free NHS health check with Healthy You?Prebiotics and The Gut Microbiome
Trillions of microorganisms thrive within our gastrointestinal tract, and these are collectively known as the gut microbiome. These bacterial species are crucial to our survival, and we wouldn’t be without them. A symbiotic relationship between our own cells are theirs ensures overall health is maintained, but what can we do to help this relationship, or
Prebiotics and The Gut MicrobiomeType 2 Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Management
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is an expanding global health problem, closely linked to the epidemic of obesity. Historically speaking, diabetes is mentioned in Egyptian texts (1500 BC) way back in antiquity, describing the condition as ‘passing too much urine’. During the same period, Hindu medical texts discussed madhumeha or ‘honey urine’. By 250 BC the
Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle ManagementHow To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 4: Maintenance and Goal Review
If you have managed to achieve your SMART goal consistently, you should start to notice some of the benefits of reducing your alcohol content, such as less hangovers, losing weight or saving more money. Now you can focus on maintaining the behaviour to help it become a habit. To do this, firstly, keep checking in
How To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 4: Maintenance and Goal ReviewHow To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 3: Overcoming a Relapse
At this point you will be starting your goal, and therefore performing the behaviour change itself. It is at this point when your helpers and hindrances to success will appear, so keep your goal and reasons behind it in mind, as well as your action plan for dealing with any barriers. It is also this
How To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 3: Overcoming a RelapseHow To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 2: Preparation
So you’ve now decided you want to change your drinking behaviour, GREAT! Now you need to prepare to make that change. This is an especially important stage as it is building your behaviour change support system. Maintaining your mindset Firstly, make sure you’re maintaining that mindset we established in the first post so keep the
How To Successfully Reduce Alcohol Part 2: Preparation