Commit to Quit – World No Tobacco Day 31st May 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided another reason to stop smoking, according to the World Health Organisation, (WHO), smokers have a greater risk of developing a severe case and dying from COVID-19. However, we all know that quitting can be challenging, but you don’t have to go it alone. That’s why Healthy You are supporting WHO’s “Commit to Quit” campaign. The campaign, launching on World No Tobacco Day 2021, aims to support 100 million people across the globe in their attempts to give up tobacco, once and for all.

 The benefits of quitting tobacco are enormous and almost immediate,” said Aaron Bohannon, Tobacco Control Lead with Everyone Health. “After just 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your heart rate drops and the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal within 12 hours. Your circulation improves and lung function increases about 2-12 weeks. Quitting smoking will reduce your risk (compared to a smoker) for stroke (within 5-15 years), lung cancer and heart disease (within 15 years) and the coughing and shortness of breath smokers are unfortunately used to decrease from 1-9 months of quitting.”

We know that smokers who get support are 4 times more likely to stop for good than those who do not. Our specialist stop smoking practitioners are highly skilled to support smokers in their quest to be smoke free, and have helped thousands of people, just like you. They offer 1:1 support to help you overcome both the physical and mental addictions to tobacco and where appropriate will prescribe nicotine replacement therapy products.

Our services are Free, all you have to do is ‘Commit to quit’.”

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Commit to Quit – World No Tobacco Day 31st May 2021      
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