Healthy You supports Cambridgeshire man, 77, kick 60+ year smoking habit

A die-hard smoker from Cambridgeshire has successfully given up cigarettes after a 60+ year smoking habit which saw him shelling out over £140 a month.

The Cambridgeshire native, who is 77, formerly smoked 7-8 cigarettes A DAY since the age of 15, before making the decision to go smoke-free after a heart attack that saw him undergoing a coronary bypass, leaving him on bedrest for 3 weeks and requiring a nebuliser – a device that delivers fast and effective respiratory treatment.

After a 151-day bout smoke-free, the man picked up the cigarettes once more before reaching out to his local stop smoking service to help him stub out the habit once and for all.

The stop smoking service, delivered by Healthy You, supported the man with his smoking struggles through a combination of behavioural change and stop smoking treatments like nicotine patches and inhalators, prescribed by the service’s specialist stop smoking practitioners.

The man has praised the service and treatments that have allowed him to go and remain smoke-free, saying: “The support and understanding that the stop smoking advisors have given me has been so beneficial for my quit journey. I still miss my cigarettes as I had a long-term relationship with them, but I now know that it can never just be one puff. With the advice and guidance from my smoking advisor, Katie, I now have a quit plan in place and know what to do when I have cravings.”

Quitting smoking, particularly after decades of continuous use, has a host of promising health benefits such as increased energy, improved taste, smell and breathing and your risk of serious health problems such as lung cancer and heart attacks are slashed in half.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s local stop smoking service, which is commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, offers free virtual or face-to-face stop smoking support which includes 12-weeks of behavioural support, advice, access to the Smoke Free app and stop smoking treatments such as nicotine patches, inhalators and lozenges.

For more information, click here, text Healthyu to 60777 or call 0333 005 0093.

Healthy You supports Cambridgeshire man, 77, kick 60+ year smoking habit      
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