20 Reasons to Stop Smoking that You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Good things happen when you stop smoking. From better relationships to boosting your productivity, there are a whole host of reasons why you should make 2024 the year you stop smoking for good. Healthy You offers FREE Stop Smoking support, advice, plus stop smoking treatments such as patches and lozenges across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. For

How stopping smoking for just 28 days can improve your health

Taking part in Stoptober this year? Congratulations! You have now made it to 28 days smokefree and are officially 5 times more likely to quit for good.  When you stop smoking, good things start to happen – you will begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health, but have you ever wondered what really

Quit smoking during Pride

 LGBTQ+ people are far more likely to smoke than straight people. Around seven in 10 LGBTQ+ people smoke regularly, casually or are former smokers. Caroline Kenny, Clinical Professional Lead for Tobacco control at Everyone Health said “There is limited research into why the prevalence for smoking is so high within the LGBTQ+ community but we

Stress and Smoking

It’s a common misconception that smoking is an instant stress-reliver, which is likely why so many of us turn to tobacco to cope when stress hits. However, research continues to show that smoking *actually* increases anxiety and tension. How, you ask? Well, this is because nicotine creates an immediate feeling of relaxation which is what

Stopping Smoking at Ramadan

Replace shisha with Isha this Ramadan. It’s a common misconception that shisha is ‘better’ for you than smoking tobacco, however did you know that just 1 shisha session (*which lasts typically 20-80 minutes) is the same amount of carbon monoxide as smoking over 100 cigarettes? Just like regular cigarette smoking, these toxins from tobacco-based shisha

National No Smoking Day

National No Smoking Day falls on the 8th March this year. It is a day used to spread awareness about the negative effects of smoking and encourage smokers to quit. So why not quit today and start your journey to a smoke and nicotine free life. Whether you’re on the journey of trying to quit

Smoking in Film and TV

There was a time where smoking in TV and films was on the decrease, where the amount of hours showing a smoking related scene decreased by almost 7 hours between the years of 1950 and 1982[1]. However, it is once again on the rise, with the amount of times tobacco is used within PG 13

National No Smoking Day 2022

Today is National No Smoking Day, why not make it the day you stop smoking once and for all. The last couple of years have been extremely challenging and for many our physical and mental health has been compromised. But stopping smoking will bring instant benefits to your health and reduce your chance of developing

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