Stopping Smoking at Ramadan

Replace shisha with Isha this Ramadan. It’s a common misconception that shisha is ‘better’ for you than smoking tobacco, however did you know that just 1 shisha session (*which lasts typically 20-80 minutes) is the same amount of carbon monoxide as smoking over 100 cigarettes? Just like regular cigarette smoking, these toxins from tobacco-based shisha

Stopping Smoking at Ramadan

Ramadan Mubarak 

The 22nd March sees the start of Ramadan, a time when Muslims across the globe will remember the month the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.   Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims will fast, won’t eat or drink, during the hours of daylight and most will try give up

Ramadan Mubarak 

What Can You do with an Egg?

How do you like your eggs in the morning? Scrambled, fried, poached.. however you may like them, there’s no denying that eggs are the ultimate superfood. In fact did you know they’re so nutritious, they’re often referred to as ‘nature’s multi-vitamin’ as they contain Vitamin A, B3, B5. B12, phosphorus and selenium? Whether you have

What Can You do with an Egg?

What Can You do with a Potato?

We think the question should be what can’t you do with a potato! Potatoes are easily the most versatile, cheap (and delicious) vegetable out there and you can make a whole host of tasty meals with them! Read on to learn some new ways of preparing and using all of your potatoes: Boiling potatoes is

What Can You do with a Potato?

Understanding Calories

A hot topic in recent times is around the widely used measurement of energy within foods, the calorie. You’ve probably heard of calories in vs calories out for weight changes, and the concept of ‘calories don’t count’, but I must admit this can certainly become confusing to most. This article will equip you with all

Understanding Calories
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