Freedom from Falls

There is a history of osteoporosis in my family for several generations so I have been aware of my vulnerability for many years. For the past 25 years I have attended a local gym three times weekly to engage in load bearing and other exercises to provide support and strength for my bone health. This gave me much pleasure and confidence in my physical and mental well being.

However in 2019 I experienced some evidence of loss of balance and I found this disturbing. I did mention this to a GP at the time but no positive advice was forthcoming and I continued to struggle when working in my garden as I feared a fall.

In February 2020 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and began a course of the recommended medication but this impacted badly on my IBS so I was struggling with this and a later substitute. In April 2020, whilst engaged in my daily walk session, I overbalanced and severely damaged my left foot and ankle. This  definitely limited my mobility and was a difficult time for me. Later in August 2020 another GP suggested I contact both the osteoporosis clinic at the hospital and also a Freedom from Falls team. This I duly did and the scheme has been most beneficial for me.

This scheme, now named as Healthy You, responded very speedily and I had a telephone consult with Gemma which I found very positive. This was followed shortly by an in house visit where the scheme was rolled out to incorporate work tailored to my particular needs. This I found very helpful and I followed the exercises happily during the next few weeks. The results were very pleasing and when Gemma phoned again for a catch up and to offer additional suggestions and help I was so relieved to know that there was a plan to help me regain my strength, balance and fitness. The whole scheme was working well for me.

Each month I have a consult with Gemma and I now have a whole portfolio of exercises to follow and the whole scheme has been a very positive one for me. I have the self discipline to work the exercise sessions into my normal lifestyle and it is very reassuring to know I have a comprehensive plan I can follow for the rest of my life even after my time with Gemma has concluded.

I am just so thankful that just one GP knew about this scheme and suggested it to me as I had no idea beforehand that such a scheme existed. Gemma has been a lifeline for me and her infectious enthusiasm for her work has made the whole enterprise such a welcome experience for me.

I shall certainly miss our Wednesday chats so thank you, Gemma, for all your help during the past 6 months.

Freedom from Falls      
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