Local Falls Prevention Service – Case Study

Ryan from Everyone Health came to give a talk about Falls Prevention to our village club and I knew I needed to know much more about this organization.  I had suffered several falls in recent years including seriously breaking an ankle twice and the amount of times I fell were increasing, especially when walking outdoors. It was beginning to affect my confidence and I was becoming more and more anxious about venturing out. The advice Ryan gave during that talk was so relevant to my situation that I phoned Everyone Health the next day. They gave me an initial appointment for an individual assessment; this was so thorough and professional I felt I was in the hands of experienced and knowledgeable staff who knew how to address my specific concerns.

Everyone Health provides a programme which is personalized, gradually increasing in intensity and difficulty to suit individual needs. First of all, I had one to one tuition and then I moved to a class of 4 to 5 people. COVID-19 restrictions has meant these weekly classes are now conducted via zoom, but the care taken to provide relevant and motivational exercises has made these sessions a high point of the week. Gemma, our tutor, has been so inspirational and cheerful; an hour’s very hard work passes quickly and happily. We are given follow up activities to practice during the week so we can build on what we have learned so far.

The balance and strength activities have made a huge difference to my confidence when moving around and walking. Now I know how to correct my walking style (which was affected by the ankle fractures) and so far I have not tripped once since beginning this programme! I know my balance skills were not good to begin with and these exercises have been very challenging for me and there is still a lot to do.  However, I have worked hard and do not become so dizzy when changing direction, head turning etc. It means I can now walk and enjoy my surroundings without continually looking down at my feet, trying to avoid the next tiny trip hazard. It has returned to me a sense of freedom I thought I had lost.  

Ryan and Gemma have encouraged me to trust that I can stay active and strong and therefore I intend to continue doing these exercises during my retirement years. I have learned how to achieve and maintain better balance skills and strength because of the expert advice I have been given so far – it has provided me with a self-help guide of how to keep mobile and out-going.  Now, I tell everyone I know what a wonderful organization Everyone Health is and how it has transformed not only my physical abilities but also my mental outlook. It has made me feel younger! I have found so many retired folk who fear falling as much as I did and do not know how to remedy the situation. Always, I strongly advise them to get in touch with Everyone Health, reassuring them that they will receive a warm welcome by people who can expertly guide them towards a better future. I will always be thankful for all the care and attention I have been given and I’m so pleased I attended that village club meeting where Ryan told us about the Falls Prevention programme. 

Local Falls Prevention Service – Case Study      
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