Tobacco – Know the Risks

All tobacco products whether smoked, rolled or chewed are harmful. Tobacco contains nicotine which is addictive, and all tobacco products have serious health consequences. Outlined below are some of the tobacco products you may need help to quit. Cigarettes Cigarettes are made up of tobacco, a range of chemical additives, a filter and paper and

Tobacco – Know the Risks

Become a smoke free woman today!

Giving up smoking can be a challenge and everyone’s journey to becoming smoke free will be different. Learning what makes quitting unique for some women may help you become smoke free too. Understanding Triggers Reminders of smoking, like seeing or smelling a cigarette can make you crave one too, along with negative emotions. Feeling stressed

Become a smoke free woman today!

We did it! Route 66 find success

It took three weeks longer than expected, but the virtual walk along Route 66 was successfully completed. The team had planned to complete the walk, some 2448 miles, during May Healthy walking month, but had fallen short. As May came to an end rather than give up, the team soldiered on and crossed the finish

We did it! Route 66 find success

Eating out with Type 2 Diabetes

Now that pubs, restaurants and cafes are starting to open, many of us are starting to meet with friends we haven’t seen for a while, usually over food. But eating out can be a challenge for people with type 2 diabetes, as many meals can be high in sugar, processed carbohydrates and calories, which makes

Eating out with Type 2 Diabetes

Are you drinking enough water?

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far, and whilst we may have drunk more than normal, I bet very few of us drank enough – the recommended daily intake of 3 litres per day. As gorgeous as the warm weather is, it can pose health risks, including heatstroke and sun burn, but

Are you drinking enough water?
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