Winter Grant – Apply Now Available until 31st March. Has COVID-19 left you struggling to feed everyone in your household or pay to heat your home? Healthy You’s partner, the Community Navigator Service and Care Network may be able to help by applying for a Winter Grant Direct Award. Applications can be made for one-off
Winter GrantsNews

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Introducing Healthy You at Home!
Healthy You is a free service aimed at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make positive changes to their lifestyle. With the most recent lockdown announcement the Healthy You team have created an online community to support families who are having to now add home schooling to the list of things they are
Introducing Healthy You at Home!
Veganuary was the brain child of Matthew Glover and Jane Land and began in 2014 to encourage people to try a vegan diet and hopefully convert long-term Their message is that switching to a plant-based diet will protect the environment, prevent animal suffering, and improve your health.Sounds peachy (sorry couldn’t resist!)!Ultimately, even if your
Support for carers to access COVID-19 vaccinations
Caring Together appreciate how important it is that people looking after a family member or friend get the coronavirus vaccination. They also know it can be very difficult for carers and those they care for to be able to go to appointments, for a range of reasons. This could be due to transport, needing someone
Support for carers to access COVID-19 vaccinationsPECT’s Warmhomes
How to Keep Warm for Your Health As the days are getting colder, more and more of us will be switching our heating on and trying to stay warm in our homes. For many of us, we think about this just in terms of our personal comfort, however living in a cold home for whatever
PECT’s WarmhomesLEAP in Lockdown
It’s been another strange month for all of us but LEAP has continued to press ahead, delivering as many Home Energy Advice calls as we possibly can and carrying out visits where necessary. There is currently a very good take-up of the service with our telephone advice calls. We have, of course, seen quite a reduction in
LEAP in Lockdown