John got help from the Falls Prevention Team

I first heard about the Falls Prevention Service when I attended an appointment with my wife who was referred into the service. Following my wife’s initial assessment with Cameron, I was very impressed how comprehensive the assessment was. Cameron suggested I also join the service as he felt it would be beneficial for my physical health as well as encouragement to my wife with her exercises, I agreed and my initial assessment was booked.
In my first appointment we discussed how we could minimise my personal risks factors to prevent future falls and carried out a strength test and a balance test to determine my current abilities. Everything discussed was written down and given to me so I had a copy of what was advised.
The second visit we had booked a double appointment slot so my wife and I could attend at the same time and do the exercise set-up together allowing us to progress through the service simultaneously. We then had two face to face appointments where our exercises were reviewed and progressed or adapted if needed. I was also given exercises to assist with my posture and strengthen my upper body.
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions appointments have performed over the phone, I found them valuable having a monthly phone calls to review my exercises as it encouraged me to carry on doing my exercises knowing I will be checked on each month. Even doing the telephone reviews my progress has still continued, for example I am now lifting more weight when performing leg strengthening exercises.
Since joining the service, my balance and strength has improved and I have found it has helped me doing more important tasks such as playing golf!
I look forward to returning to face to face appointments so I am able to show Cameron my progress I have made over lockdown.


*name changed to protect identity

John got help from the Falls Prevention Team      
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