Olivia got help to stop smoking

Since both of my parents sadly passed away from lung cancer, I have always been motivated to stop smoking. None of my friends smoke anymore so I know they will be really supportive, especially in social situations. I also hated the smell the smoke created in my house and it would feel much cleaner and fresher if I stopped. If anyone was thinking of stopping I would urge them to please give up as it has made my life so much better and richer – I feel so much healthier after quitting. I also learnt so much whilst accessing the stop smoking service but the tablets really helped me to find a solution to quit once and for all – I definitely couldn’t have done it without them. Because both my parents died relatively young at 76 and from a horrible disease, my biggest ambition for the future is just to carry on living a happily and healthily!


*name changed to protect identity

Olivia got help to stop smoking      
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