Time to Talk: Discussing Mental Health and Social Isolation This February

February is often thought of as a quiet time of year. The festive period is well and truly over and the weather can be a little on the gloomy side. The “Time to Talk” campaign, run by ‘Mind’, ‘Rethink Mental Illness’ (England) and ‘The Co-Op’, encourages people to talk openly about their mental health and

Time to Talk: Discussing Mental Health and Social Isolation This February

Embracing Dry January: The Benefits of Reducing Alcohol Consumption

As the new year begins, many people in the UK join Dry January, a month-long initiative encouraging individuals to abstain from alcohol. This movement promotes a short break from drinking so we can start to see some of the health benefits or lower alcohol consumption and reassess our relationship with alcohol. Benefits of Reducing Alcohol

Embracing Dry January: The Benefits of Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Service in the Spotlight – Adult Weight Management

Losing weight can be difficult, especially when you’re not sure where to start. Everyone Health’s Adult Weight Management service is designed to support individuals through every step of their weight loss including a 12-week period of nutrition and exercise classes to encourage whole-life behaviour changes that will result in long-term benefits.   The weekly group

Service in the Spotlight – Adult Weight Management

Healthy You supports Cambridgeshire man, 77, kick 60+ year smoking habit

A die-hard smoker from Cambridgeshire has successfully given up cigarettes after a 60+ year smoking habit which saw him shelling out over £140 a month. The Cambridgeshire native, who is 77, formerly smoked 7-8 cigarettes A DAY since the age of 15, before making the decision to go smoke-free after a heart attack that saw

Healthy You supports Cambridgeshire man, 77, kick 60+ year smoking habit
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