What is the service?
Everybody should have the chance to get healthier.
This is why our Health Trainer service is here for anybody from an Eastern European background and wants to make some healthy changes to their lifestyle.
The service will be in your national language, and if our Health Trainers do not speak your language, we will engage with translator services.
Our brilliant Health Trainers will work with you to make healthy changes and offer support, advice and understanding every step of the way.
Your Health Trainer will work together with you for up to a year over 6 sessions of support which you can book at any time that suits you.
We can support you with:
- Healthy eating
- Losing weight
- Increasing physical activity
- Stopping smoking
- Reducing stress
- Cutting down on alcohol
- Sexual health concerns
Who can get healthy with us?
- Anyone aged 16+ from an Eastern European background who lives in Fenland and Peterborough
How to join the service
- If you would like to talk to a member of our team about the service, please contact us on 0333 005 0093 or fill out the contact form here.
- Or you can use our text codes specific for each language:
- Romanian – ‘healthyu.RO’ to 60777.
- Czech- ‘healthyu.CZ.’ to 60777
- Slovak-‘healthyu.SK.’ to 60777
- Polish- ‘healthyu.PL.’ to 60777
Watch the video below to out more about the Eastern European Health Trainer Service:
Meet our Health Trainers!
Numele meu este Ana-Madalina Damian și sunt Eastern European Health Trainer la Healthy You.
Sprijin oamenii din comunitatea est-europeană să adopte un stil de viață mai sănătos prin furnizarea de informații în alte limbi, cum ar fi româna și spaniola, pe care le vorbesc fluent.
Sunt absolventă de Management de Afaceri și Asistență Medicală, cu o pasiune pentru sănătate și bunăstare. Scopul meu este de a avea un impact pozitiv asupra vieții oamenilor cu care lucrez, ajutându-i să devină cea mai sănătoasă, cea mai fericită versiune a lor.
Dacă doriți sprijin pentru a opri fumatul, a reduce consumul de alcool, a pierde în greutate, sau doar a pune în aplicare un stil de viață sănătos, vă rugăm să sunați 0333 055 0093.
Ahoj, jmenuji se Denisa a jsem Zdravotní Trenérka pro obyvatele z Východní Evropy v rámci služby Healthy You. V mé specializované pozici podporujeme občany původem z Východní Evropy, kteří žijí na území Peterboroughu a Fenlands, různými veřejnými akcemi zaměřené na podporu celkového zdraví, ale také bezplatnými zdravotními konzultacemi. Naším cílem je zlepšit životní styl našich komunit prostřednictvím vytváření pozitivních návyků, které každodenně využijí.
Vystudovala jsem Střední Zdravotnickou Školu v Praze a mám bakalářský diplom ve vědeckém oboru Lidské Výživy z University of Worcester v Anglii, mluvím plynně Česky a Slovensky. Tahle zkušenost mi pomohla zažít si na vlastní kůži, jak moc má naše kultura a prostředí, ve kterém žijeme, neskutečný vliv na náš životní styl a stravování, ale také na celkové zdraví . Proto mi dělá velkou radost, že můžu pomáhat ostatním vzít zdraví do vlastních rukou a podpořit je ve vytváření zdravých změn, kde i sebemenší návyk může přinést velkou pozitivní změnu.
Service Resources
- Alcohol Leaflet Czech
- Alcohol Leaflet Polish
- Alcohol Leaflet Romanian
- Health Trainer Leaflet Czech
- Health Trainer Leaflet Polish
- Health Trainer Leaflet Romanian
- NHS Health Check Leaflet Polish
- NHS Health Check Leaflet Romanian
- NHS Health Checks Leaflets Czech
- Stop Smoking Leaflet Czech
- Stop Smoking Leaflet Polish
- Stop Smoking Leaflet Romanian